Friday, December 20, 2013

550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender

Status: offline Clients like IMAP and POP3 uses the Client <servername> Receive -Connector. In order to allow clients to submit messages via this connector, you need to issue below command: 

get-receieveconnector Client <servername> | add-adpermission -user AU -extendedrights ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Authoritative-Domain-Sender 
RE: 550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender


In adsiedit under :  Configuration - Services - Microsoft Exchange - 
<organization name> - Administrative Groups - Exchange Administrative Group
- Servers - <Servername> - Protocols - SMTP Receive Connectors - Client <servername>

Right click and click properties, click the security tab and grant the Authenticated users group the Accept Authoritative Domain Sender allow permission.

Other settings can be checked is as follows

From EMC 
check  logintype,

We checked the settings on the Outlook and is correct. SPA is unchecked.
In Advanced we have IMAP port as 993- SSL.
In outgoing server we have "use same server as incoming server" checked.

Tested mail flow but incoming IMAP passes the test and Sending mail SMTP fails.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How Mail from outlook sent to another outlook via Exchange server

The Mail Submissions Service on the Exchange 

2010 Mailbox Server notifies the Hub 

Transport Server that a message is in the Outbox. The 

Store Driver on the Hub Transport 

Server retrieves the message from the Mailbox Server. 

RPC is used for communication between the Hub and the 

Mailbox Server.


  1. The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Submission service that's running on Mailbox1 notifies an Exchange 2010 Hub Transport server that's located in the same Active Directory site of the new mail item for transport.
  2. Using RPC, the store driver component on an Exchange 2010 Hub Transport server in the same Active Directory site retrieves the message and puts it in the Submission queue on the local server.
  3. From the Submission queue, the message moves through categorization. The categorizer first performs recipient resolution and determines that is an external recipient.
  4. The routing component selects the best connector through which to route the message and calculates the least-cost routing path to that connector. In this example, a Send connector has the address space * and is the connector selected by the routing component. All the source servers for this Send connector are located in Site B.
  5. The routing component determines the next hop required to reach a source server for the Send connector. The Hub Transport server in Site A queues the message for SMTP delivery to Site B.
  6. If the receiving server in Site B is a source server for the Send connector, it queues the message for delivery to that Send connector. If the receiving server isn't a source server for the * Send connector, the message is relayed by using SMTP to a Hub Transport server in Site B that's the source server for the connector.
From Microsoft Site

Monday, December 16, 2013

Netmon from Command Prompt

Netmon from Command Prompt

Start > Run type CMD click OK. 

cd "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Network Monitor 3"

C:\nmcap.exe /network * /capture /file ExchangeTrace-client.chn:100M 

c:\nmcap.exe /Network * /Capture /CaptureProcesses /File ExchangeTrace.chn:100M

In the below example the client IP is and the server IP is
nmcap.exe /Network * /Capture "(ipv4.Address == and ipv4.Address ==" /CaptureProcesses /File ExchangeTrace.chn:100M

Netmon Command
IPv4.address == IP address

How to LogOff from Command Prompt
shutdown /l = Log off and /f = force  
Eg : C:/> Shutdown /l 
C:/> Shutdown /f

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

File share folder is inaccessible from the Exchange server 2010

File share folder is inaccessible from the Exchange server.

We checked and found the folder permission is fine.

We added the "Exchange subtrusted system", still the same issue.

We click the "Share" under "Network file and Folder sharing" (>apply > OK)

Now issue is resolved.

Friday, December 6, 2013



  • Stateless protocol

  • In computing, a stateless protocol is a communications protocol that treats each request as an independent transaction that is unrelated to any previous request so that the communication consists of independent pairs of requests and responses.

  • AutoDatabaseMountDial

  • lossy failover
  • The default setting is GoodAvailabilitywhich translates to 6 or fewer logs 

  • BestAvailability (12 or fewer logs missing) and Lossless (0 logs missing).

  • from 
  • Host or Local Candidate – The actual IP address bound directly to the remote client’s host operating system.  This could include multiple candidates as the remote host could contain multiple physical or virtual network adapters including any active VPN clients.  Most often this will be a single IP address of the active interface on a Lync client’s workstation.
  • Reflexive or STUN Candidate – The public IP address assigned to the client’s immediate firewall perform network address translation.  In most home networks this would be the public IP addresses assigned by an ISP (either dynamically or statically) to the premises modem or router, depending on the type of service.
  • Relay or TURN Candidate – The publically accessible IP address assigned to the media relay server which is allocated to the client.  In Lync Server this is the public IP address assigned either directly to the external A/V Edge interface or the public IP address allocated to a NAT device (e.g. firewall) which is performing static network address translation to a private IP address assigned directly to the Edge Server.  In the event that an Edge Pool is deployed then this would be the IP address of one of the individual servers in the pool. 

  • Wednesday, November 27, 2013

    Microsoft Exchange 2007 How to find what is inside Mailbox Database from Shell

    In this Article, We are checking various options from the Exchange Management Shell

    To avoid any Permission issue, Run Exchange Management Shell "Run As" Administrator or Account with Full Admin rights

    How to find Mailbox Database
    [PS] C:\>Get-mailboxDatabase

    How to find Mailbox Database
    [PS] C:\>Get-mailboxDatabase | FL Name, StorageGroup, Mounted, BackupInProgress, OnlineMaintenanceInProgress

    How to find Mailbox Database
    [PS] C:\>Get-mailboxDatabase -id "Name of the DB" | Get-Mailbox

    How to find which Mailbox belongs to which Database
    [PS] C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>Get-mailbox | FL Name, Database

    How to find list of the Mailboxes in Database
    [PS] C:\>Get-mailbox -database "Database name" 

    How to find Total number of Storage group 
    [PS] C:\>Get-StorageGroup 

    How to find list of the Mailboxes in Database
    [PS] C:\>Get-mailbox -database "Database name" 

    How to find list of the Mailboxes in Database
    [PS] C:\>Mount-Database -Id "E2k7\RSG\"Mailbox Database" 

    Understanding CCR log files

    Creating bulk users from Exchange management shell

    Original script From : Script to download

    When you have downloaded and extracted the scripts to your server – open a Powershell Console and navigate to the location where they are located – when there type in:



    When the script executes you will be presented with a Windows “Open” dialog box – navigate to the location where you extracted the files and then choose the sample CSV – see below;


    The script will then execute creating each user in your Active Directory Lab environment – the Default password is “Password1” – see below;


    When the script has completed – open Active Directory Users and Computers – you will see a new OU called “ExchangeUsers” – within this OU are the new accounts that you can play with – see below;


    Enable the users using Power Shell

    Get-User -Filter {Department -Like 8* -And RecipientType -eq User} | % { Enable-MailUser $_ -externalEmailAddress $($}

    Another Script
    Get-User | Where-Object{$_.RecipientType –eq “User”}
    Get-User –OrganizationalUnit People | Where-Object{$_.RecipientType –eq “User”}
    get-user –organizationalUnit people | where-object{$_.RecipientType –eq “User” -and $_.department –eq “Sales”}
    get-user –organizationalUnit people | where-object {$_.RecipientType –eq “User” -and $_.department –eq “Sales”} | Enable-Mailbox –Database “EXCHANGE1\Mailbox Database” | get-mailbox | select name,windowsemailaddress,database

    From the powershell, run the .\CreateUsersFromCSV.ps1
    and the confirm the user from Get-User in Active directory at OU=ExchangeUsers and in the below Exchange shell command rename -OrganizationalUnit People
    Get-user –organizationalUnit people | where-object {$_.RecipientType –eq “User” -and $_.department –eq “Sales”} | Enable-Mailbox –Database “EXCHANGE1\Mailbox Database” | get-mailbox | select name,windowsemailaddress,database

    Run the command from Shell
    get-mailbox | fl name, database and from the resultant replace the Database after Enable-Mailbox -Database ""

    So the new command would be
    get-user –organizationalUnit ExchangeUsers | where-object {$_.RecipientType –eq “User” -and $_.department –eq “Sales”} | Enable-Mailbox –Database “E2K7\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database” | get-mailbox | select name,windowsemailaddress,database

    Here OrganizationUnit is the location from ADUC where Exchange users created
    and E2K7\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database is an example from my E2k7 DB

    Thursday, November 21, 2013

    Post Installing KB 2837618 2768005 Unable to set out of office settings, free busy contains no information

    Issue : 
    After installing KB on Outlook 2013, users are complaining that they are unable to set "Out of Settings" and can't schedule Free busy information after Installing November Security Patches

    but Owa users can set OOF and schedule meetings

     "Your server location could not be determined."

    Creation of new profile while update 2768005 and 2837618 installed on the system, didn't working either, you need to remove both of the update and then create a new Outlook Profile.

    Lots of users are complaining about this issue on Outlook 2013 with Exchange 2007.

    Alternately Quit Outlook and try setting OOF from OWA and log back into Outlook and check if this settings can resolve the issue

    There is no update released as far of now, wait for Microsoft to update about this issue in newer patch or update

    Current issue on Technet

    Wednesday, November 13, 2013

    Inspirational Quotes

    “Experience life in all possible ways –good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. Experience all the dualities. Don’t be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become.”
    - Osho

    Continuous effort—not strength or intelligence—is the key to unlocking our potential.

    - Winston Churchill

    In order to grow, you must give up the struggle to remain the same, and learn to embrace change at all times.

    –Michael A.  Singer

    “if we do what we resolve to do then we can enjoy unlimited success” –Amit Malviya

    "Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear." - Anthony Robbins

    Some of my suggestions are easier said than done. Just try. The intention is more important than immediate success. -

    "It's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal that will enable you to attain the success you seek."

    "Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can." - Richard Bach

    People only treat you one way …… the way you allow them

    एक छुपी हुई पहचान रखता हूँ, बाहर शांत हूँ, अंदर तूफान रखता हूँ, 

    रख के तराजू में अपने दोस्त की खुशियाँ, दूसरे पलड़े में मैं अपनी 

    जान रखता हूँ।

    One night a father overheard his son pray: Dear God, Make me the kind of man my Daddy is. Later that night, the Father prayed: Dear God, Make me the kind of man my son wants me to be.
    - Anonymous

    The 3 C’s of life: You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change

    Sunday, November 10, 2013

    Shell Script Microsoft Exchange server 2010

    ForEach ($mailbox in $mailbox) {Enable-Mailbox -Identity $Mailbox.Identity -Database $Mailbox.Database}

    NEXT: Run the Script
    Go to Exchange Management Shell
    You can change the directory to the root by typing cd\ then hit Enter (NOTE: If you just typed the words "then hit Enter" you do not belong working on servers)

    Then type: ./enablebox.ps1

    Just in case you want to enable archive for all users in the csv add this to the above script. 
    Add <| Enable-Mailbox –Archive -ArchiveDatabase "<enter archive db name here>"}> Shown below in its entirety. 

    $mailbox=import-csv C:\<filename>.CSV
    ForEach ($mailbox in $mailbox) {Enable-Mailbox -Identity $Mailbox.Identity -Database $Mailbox.Database | Enable-Mailbox –Archive -ArchiveDatabase "<enter archive db name here>"}

    Reference : Mailbox Script

    Please check this command >Get-Mailbox | Where {$_.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota -gt 100}

    Value 100 is in bytes to convert MB into Bytes for example, you need to convert 500 MB into bytes for Shell, then multiply MB by 1048576

    5000 MB x 1048576 = 5242880000  bytes

    So the command would be Get-Mailbox | Where {$_.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota -gt 5242880000}

    Similarly you can change object from Mailbox to Mailboxdatabase

    Get-MailboxDatabase | Select-Object Name,IssueWarningQuota,ProhibitSendQuota,ProhibitSendReceiveQuota | Sort-Object Name | Export-Csv –Path .\DatabaseLimits.csv –NoTypeInformation
    Get-Mailbox | Select-Object DisplayName,Database,IssueWarningQuota,ProhibitSendQuota,ProhibitSendReceiveQuota | Sort-Object DisplayName | Export-Csv –Path .\MailboxLimits.csv –NoTypeInformation

    To get a list of all users on an Exchange 2010 server who are Unified messaging-enabled

     $Mailboxes = Get-Mailbox
     $Mailboxes = | ForEach { If($_.UmEnabled -Eq $True){$_.Name}}

     script that will monitor the index state.

    Get-mailboxdatabase | Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus | where {$_.contentindexstate -ne "Healthy" -and $_.contentindexstate -ne "Crawling"} | select Name,DatabaseName,Status,ContentIndexState,MailboxServer,ActiveDatabaseCopy,ActivationSuspended

    We run the set-OrganizationConfig -ShowInlineAttachments:$true

    Get-ThrottlingPolicy | Where-Object ($_.IsDefault -eq “True”) | FL Identity

    ExTrace.exe (This is Microsoft proprietary tool and need to contact Microsoft)
    ExTrace.exe -v -c xx.etl >output.txt

    nltest /dsgetdc ""
    nltest /dsgetsite
    nltest /securesite
    netdom query dc
    netdom query fsmo
    nltest /sc_change_pwd:<DC FQDN>
    //On W2k8 DC, nltest /sc_change_pwd:federation.local, will reset the password 

    set u

    Produce a list of Full Access Permissions
    For full access, from EMS run this command
    get-mailbox | %{$foo = $_; Get-MailboxPermission $foo | ?{$_.AccessRights -eq "FullAccess" -and $_.IsInherited -eq $false}} | ft {$foo},User,AccessRights

    get-mailbox | %{$mailbox = $_; Get-ADPermission $mailbox.DistinguishedName | ?{$_.ExtendedRights -like "Send-As" -and $_.User -notlike "NT AUTHORITY\SELF"}} | ft {$mailbox},user,{"Send-As"}

    adplus.exe -crash -pn msexchangetransport.exe -NoDumpOnFirst -o e:\dumps 

    Default Scipts found in Exchange 2010 scripts folder


    Check Public Folder Permission

    Get-PublicFolder "\" -Recurse | Get-PublicFolderClientPermission | Out-File -FilePath "c:\Temp\PFPerms.txt"

    Event logging level BETWEEN SITES
    set-transportserver -identity <servername> - IntraOrgConnectorProtocolLoggingLevel verbose

    set-transportserver -identity <servername> - IntraOrgConnectorProtocolLoggingLevel None

    The logs are stored under the Logs folder of TransportRoles

    How to find Mailbox is Shared Mailbox
    C:\Get-mailbox -Resultsize unlimited | Where-object {$_.Isshared -eq $True}

    An alternative way to identify possible problematic receive connectors by using Exchange Management Shell, is if the queue delivery type is SmtpRelayToRemoteAdSite. To do this, run the following shell commands:
    $remotesite = (get-queue | where {$_.LastError -like "451 4.4.0*"}).NextHopDomain

    get-exchangeserver | where {$ -like '*'+$remotesite} | get-transportserver | Get-ReceiveConnector | where {$_.Bindings -like '*:25*'} | where {$_.AuthMechanism -notlike '*Exchange*'

    From blog

    This command spins through all your mailbox servers and reconnects all the uniquely identified but disconnected mailboxes in any one of the mailbox stores:
    $Servers = Get-ExchangeServer 

    $Servers | ` Where { $_.IsMailboxServer -Eq '$True' } ` | ForEach { Get-MailboxStatistics -Server $_.Name ` 

      | Where { $_.DisconnectDate -NotLike '' } ` | ForEach { Connect-Mailbox -Identity `$_.DisplayName -Database $_.DatabaseName} }

    Want to know what version of Exchange Server each of your servers is running? Type:
    Get-ExchangeServer | Format-Table Name, *Version*

    Want to create a group of test users in your lab? Use this command:
    1..100 | ForEach { Net User "User$_" MyPassword=01 /ADD /Domain; Enable-Mailbox "User$_" }

    How to switch to Scripts folder in "Exchange Management Shell"
    From EMS : type this command cd $exscripts

    Find specific Event id in application log via Scripts
    Get-EventLog "Application" | Where-Object {$_.EventID -eq 109} | Select-Object EventID,TimeGenerated,Message | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation -Path c:\Search_StartEvents.csv

    TEST-EXCHANGESEARCH //for checking the Content Index

    Get-Mailbox -Database NA1-ERICNOR-1\ NA1-ERICNOR-1-SG1\ NA1-ERICNOR-1-DB1 | Test-ExchangeSearch | ft -a

    Scripts to find how many users are logon using OWA 

    Method 1: 
    You can find the output when you run get-logonstatistics from the article below:
    View Logon Statistics

    Method 2:
    Besides, you can use logparser to analyze it
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Log Parser 2.2\logparser.exe" "SELECT TOP 10 cs-username, Count(*) AS OWAHits INTO OWAActivity.gif FROM C:\Inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\u_ex*.log WHERE cs-uri-stem LIKE '/OWA/' AND cs-username IS NOT NULL GROUP BY cs-username ORDER BY OWAHits DESC" -charttype:Bar3D -o:CHART -view:ON
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Log Parser 2.2\logparser.exe" "SELECT TO_STRING(time, 'HH') AS Hour, COUNT(*) AS Hits INTO hitPerSecond.jpg FROM C:\Inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\u_ex*.logGROUP BY Hour ORDER BY Hour ASC" -i:IISW3C -o:CHART -chartType:ColumnClustered -chartTitle:"Hourly Hits" -groupSize:420x280

    Method 3:
    We can run the command below to get the current number of outlook or OWA user who is connecting to Exchange Servers.
    Get-Counter "\MSExchange RpcClientAccess\User Count" -ComputerName  name|ft
    Get-Counter "\MSExchange OWA\Current Unique Users" -ComputerName  name |ft

    OWA session with name of the user
    Get-Mailbox | Get-LogonStatistics | Where-Object {$_.ApplicationID -eq "Client=OWA"} | Select-Object UserName,LastAccessTime | ConvertTo-Html -Title "OWA actives sessions" -PostContent "<b>Thierry MILLE (c) 2011</b>" | Out-File C:\owa.htm; Send-MailMessage -From -To -Subject "OWA sessions" -Attachments C:\owa.htm -SmtpServer; Remove-Item C:\owa.htm

    How to delete and Export Mailbox without AVI MPEG files
    Get-Mailbox -ResultSize 'Unlimited' | Export-Mailbox -DeleteContent -AttachmentFilenames '*.avi', '*.mpeg' -TargetMailbox  ExportedMailbox -TargetFolder 'Export'

    How to increase Logging level from Shell
    Get-EventLoglevel -server Servername

    1.     Get-EventLogLevel MSExchangeTransport | set- EventLogLevel –level expert

    Get-EventLogLevel MSExchangeTransport | Set-EventLogLevel -Level Expert (7) High (5) Lowest (0) Low (1)

    Get-Eventloglevel msexchangetransport | set-Eventloglevel -level low

    Set-Eventloglevel "MSExchangeMailSubmission\General" -level expert

    Set-EventLogLevel “MSExchange POP3\General” -Level High

    Set-EventLogLevel “MSExchange POP3\General” -Level lowest

    set-transportserver -identity "servername" -IntraOrgConnectorProtocolLoggingLevel verbose

    Set-EventLogLevel "Servername\MSExchangeSA\OAL Generator" -Level High
                                                      MSExchange IMAP4\General                                             
                                                      MSExchange POP3\General   

    Set-eventloglevel -Identity ECIdParameter -Level Lowest | Low | Medium | High | Expert [CommonParameters]

    Set-POPSettings -Server "HLBDEXCH" -protocolLogEnable $true

    Set-EventLogLevel –identity "MSExchangeMailboxAssistants\Service" -Level Expert

    Set-EventLogLevel –identity "MSExchangeMailboxAssistants\OOF Assistant" -Level Expert

    Set-EventLogLevel –identity "MSExchangeMailboxAssistants\OOF Library" -Level Expert

    Static domain controller

    Set-ExchangeServer –Identity (name of your Exchange Server goes here) –StaticDomainControllers $NULL

    Pipelining Tracing
    Run in the following order
    1. Set-TransportServer <Identity> -PipelineTracingSenderAddress <SMTPAddress>     //from Sender
        Set-TransportServer <Identity> -PipelineTracingSenderAddress "<>"    // from servers

    2. Set-TransportServer <Identity> -PipelineTracingPath <LocalFilePath>
        Set-TransportServer Server1 -PipelineTracingPath "C:\Pipeline Tracing Logs"

    3. Set-TransportServer <Identity> -PipelineTracingEnabled <$True | $False>

        Set-TransportServer Server1 -PipelineTracingEnabled $True

    Or single command sets all
    Set-TransportServer –Identity “Hub Transport Server Name>” –PipelineTracingSenderAddress “Sender email address from one of the poison messages” –PipelineTracingPath “C:\Pipeline Tracing” –PipelineTracingEnabled $true –ContentConversionTracingEnabled $true

    Disable Pipelining tracing
    Set-TransportServer –Identity “Hub Transport Server Name” –PipelineTracingSenderAddress “Mail from Email Address in one of the message” –PipelineTracingPath “C:\Pipeline Tracing” –PipelineTracingEnabled $false –ContentConversionTracingEnabled $false

    Analyzing PIPELINING

    Here are the instructions:

    1.            Pull up the Exchange Management Shell on one of the Hub Transport Servers first.
    2.            Run the following command
    Set-TransportServer –Identity “HubTransportServerName” -PipelineTracingPath  “C:\PipelineLogs”  -PipelineTracingSenderAddress  “EmailAddressOfSender” 
    -PipelineTracingEnabled $true  
    3.            Log on to another Hub Server and run the above cmdlet by replacing the Hub Transport name (I’m asking here to logon to another Hub server because I want to avoid the replication         
    4.            You can also specify other “Pipeline Tracing Path”. I have specified “C:\PipelineLogs” for an example here. Please go to this folder and check if Network Service permissions are 
    5.            Run Get-TransportServer –Identity <HubServerName> | fl *pipe* on Exchange Management Shell and hit enter. Please check and make sure that result of this cmdlet matches with   
                   what you have specified in Step # 2.
    6.            Once the email has been received, you’ll see MessageSnapshot folder on one of the Hub servers which has processed the message.
    7.            Zip the Message Snapshot folder and send it to me over email.
    8.            Run the following cmdlet to Disable the Pipeline Tracing
    Set-TransportServer –Identity <HubTransportServerName>  -PipelineTracingEnabled $false  
    9.            Please run the above cmdlet 2 times by replacing the Hub server name 

    PS: Enable Pipeline only on server where it requires to analyze the data



    Moving the queue database
    Move-TransportDatabase.ps1 -QueueDatabasePath: D:\Exchsrvr\TransportRoles\data\Queue -QueueDatabaseLoggingPath: D:\Exchsrvr\TransportRoles\data\Queue


    rename the D: drive instead of C: in the EdgeTransport.exe.config
    for "QueueDatabasePath"


    ProtocolDefault  Secure Port
    HTTP     80443RPC over HTTP
    Directory Referral 6002
    IMAP4   143993
    NNTP   119563
    POP3    110995
    SMTP     2525
    LINKstate 691
    DHCP Server 67
    Hub to Edge50389
    Hub to Edge50636

    Want to find Only Exchange 2013 server in the Organization 

    Get-ExchangeServer | Where-object {$_.AdmindisplayVersion -like "*15*"}
    Good website for the above command in Shell
    Get-ExchangeServer | Where-object {$_.AdmindisplayVersion -like "*15*"} | Select-object ,,,,,, | FT -autosize 
    RBAC Role Group Membership Reporting
    Get-User -ResultSize unlimited | where {$_.linkedmasteraccount -eq "NT AUTHORITY\SELF" -and $_.recipienttypedetails -ne "RoomMailbox" -and $_.recipienttypedetails -ne "Equipmentmailbox" -and $_.recipienttypedetails -ne "DiscoveryMailbox"} | select name | ft
    Start Exchange Service
    Get-Service *Exchange* | Start-Service