Please use FQDN not only domain name in the command.
netsh winhttp set proxy proxy-server="http=<Myproxyserver>:8080;https=<Myproxyserver>:8080" bypass-list= "CASSERVER.DOMAIN.COM"
Please change the relevant field in the above command
We might also need to run this line too:
netsh winhttp set proxy proxy-server="http=;https=" bypass-list="172.*;*;*.local".
and the same can be achieved from Internet Explorer > Tools > Internet Options > Lan settings > Proxy server settings but sometimes it is good to have settings from Command Prompt
Under Proxy server option
Select 'ByPass proxy server for Local Addresses" and then click Advanced add domain in Exceptions "Do not use proxy server for addresses beginning with:" For Example, you can add domain name like this;;