Friday, May 23, 2014

How Outlook Connects to Exchange server

In Exchange 2000 and 2003, we had a basic front-end and back-end architecture, where the front-end servers accepted requests from clients and proxied them to the back-end servers for processing.  An Exchange 2000/2003 front-end server could proxy RPC over HTTP (now known as Outlook Anywhere), HTTPS (OWA, Entourage etc.), POP, and IMAP clients to the relevant back-end servers. The front-end servers also supported multiple referrals to public folder data on back-end servers.

In Exchange 2000/2003, internal Outlook MAPI clients did not use the front-end server at all; they connected directly to the back-end servers via MAPI over RPC. In fact, because the DSProxy component did not run on the front-end servers, you could not point Outlook MAPI clients to the NetBIOS name or FQDN of a front-end server.
With Exchange 2000/2003, the DSAccess component also accessed the Netlogon service on the domain controller and global catalog servers in Active Directory directly via Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs), and then Outlook clients connected directly to the DCs/GCs. Outlook 2000 and earlier connected to DSProxy.


Monday, May 19, 2014

Enable Tracing for Store

Enable Tracing for Store

1. Click Start -> Run and enter extra. Press Enter.
2. In the popped window, click "Select a task"
3. Click "Trace Control", click OK in the warning prompt
4. Write down the trace file name and location displayed in next page
5. Click "Set manual trace tags"
6. Choose *ALL* in "Trace Types", then in the "Components to Trace", select STORE
7. In "Trace Tags", make sure the followings are selected:


8. Click "Start Tracing"

Get command Microsoft Exchange server 2010

To view organization-wide e-mail transport 

To Set organization Limits
Set-TransportConfig -MaxSendSize 20MB -MaxReceiveSize 20MB -MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimit 300

To view the configuration information for a Send connector on a computer that has the Hub Transport server 

Send Connectors 
Get-SendConnector | FL

Set Send Connector Message Size Limit for a specific connector
Set-SendConnector -Identity “Default Internet Connector” -MaxMessageSize 20MB

Set Send Connector Message Size Limit for all connectors
Get-SendConnector | Set-SendConnector -MaxMessageSize 20MB

To view the configuration information for Receive Connectors

Set MaxMessageSize for All Receive Connectors
Get-ReceiveConnector | Set-ReceiveConnector -MaxMessageSize 20MB

Get MaxSendSize and MaxReceiveSize Mailbox Limits for a user
Get-Mailbox BAndersen | FL MaxSendSize,MaxReceiveSize

Set MaxSendSize and MaxReceiveSize Mailbox Limits for a user
Set-Mailbox -Identity BAndersen -MaxSendSize 40MB -MaxReceiveSize 40MB

Event id 12014, Microsoft Exchange server 2010 Certificate

1. new-exchangecertificate -domainname <> -services smtp


1. new-exchangecertificate -domainname " " -services "smtp, pOP, IMAP"

2. Get-exchangecertificate -thumbprint <> | New-ExchangeCertificate

3. enable-exchangecertificate <thumbprint> -services smtp   // optional

4. remove-exchangecertificate FDBA5E496E09713E89AFC6E7BF4C6AF78D943BC7


5. Get-Exchangeserver  //To check which servers are using certificate

3rd Party
1. New-ExchangeCertificate
          -GenerateRequest -PrivateKeyExportable:$true
          -SubjectName "c=us,,"
           -Path c:\certpop.txt
2. Import-ExchangeCertificate -Path "c:\certnew.cer"
3. Enable-ExchangeCertificate –Thumbprint <thumbprints> -Services "IIS, POP, IMAP"

How to import 3rd party in the Exchange server 2k7
Import-ExchangeCertificate -Path c:\CertificatefileName.crt | Enable-ExchangeCertificate -Services pop, imap, smtp, iis

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Content Index is in Crawling state Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy

On Exchange 2010, Sp3

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-Mailboxdatabasecopystatus -server MAILBOX1.DOM.Local | fl Name, *Index*

Name                     : EXDB2\MAILBOX1
ContentIndexState        : Crawling
ContentIndexErrorMessage :

from looking at the message from the command by running Get-mailboxdatabaseCopyStatus 

Crawling state is where Exchange Search indexes mailboxes in the database. The status remains Crawling until all mailboxes in the database have been indexed. After all mailboxes in the databases have been indexed, Exchange Search changes the status of the database to Notification.

so wait untill Crawling notifications changes to Healthy state
but what happen if the Crawling is been running for days and no status change. Check the event log and find any thing related with search.

Last resort, Stop the "Microsoft Search (Exchange)" Service and delete the Catalogue file from the location C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Mailbox\AMBX1-2\CatalogData-8e5f65e1-26f6-4c7e-80d4-389b6c62ce18-9ef437c4-3229-4afd-a55d-cfd1637cfde4

please note : AMBX1-2\CatalogData-8e5f65e1-26f6-4c7e-80d4-389b6c62ce18-9ef437c4-3229-4afd-a55d-cfd1637cfde4 

AMBX1-2 is the name of the Database and CatalogData-8e5f65e1-26f6-4c7e-80d4-389b6c62ce18-9ef437c4-3229-4afd-a55d-cfd1637cfde4  is the name of the Catalog data name which may be differ in your environment.

from the user's Prespective, they will find difficulty getting search result in OWA. In Outlook, if they are in Cached mode, then old query will find the result for newer query it will take time until Content Index State is in Healthy state.

Now, "Content Index State" is in Healthy state, to update to passive node, you can run these two commands

Option 1
Reseed the catalog from a specific server (EMS)
C:\>Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity DB1\MBX1 -SourceServer MBX2 -CatalogOnly

Option 2
Reseed the catalog from any server (for Active node) (EMS)
C:\>Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity “databasename\servername” -CatalogOnly

If you want to activate Mailbox Database to another server and unable to mount due to Catalog Index error or INDEXing is disable then 
User the below Powershell command

C:\>Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase <DatabaseName> -ActivateOnServer <TargetServerName> -SkipClientExperienceChecks

Monday, May 12, 2014

How to set sent item for both Manager and Delegated user "Exchange server 2010"

Output of MailboxSentItemsConfiguration Manager

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MailboxSentItemsConfiguration Manager
RunspaceId                  : 38eb470d-f92d-4381-afa0-5bb7b8741e02
SendAsItemsCopiedTo         : Sender
SendOnBehalfOfItemsCopiedTo : Sender
Identity                    :
IsValid                     : True

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Set-MailboxSentItemsConfiguration Manager -SendAsItemsCopiedTo SenderAndFrom

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MailboxSentItemsConfiguration Manager

RunspaceId                  : 38eb470d-f92d-4381-afa0-5bb7b8741e02

SendAsItemsCopiedTo         : SenderAndFrom    ----> This will set the option when user sents an Email on the behalf of, it would be showed into both (Manager and Sender's) Sent item

SendOnBehalfOfItemsCopiedTo : Sender

Identity                    :

IsValid                     : True

This option would be available after Exchange 2010 Sp RU2